We teach our kids at a young age to never play in the road... right? Then why do we take our kids to a parade and throw candy in the road and let them chase after it? We went to the Homecoming parade tonight with a few friends and had a good time. Julie, Jackie and Melissa please don't be mad that I posted these pictures! Our kids had a great time playing in the road and not getting into trouble! We were at the very end of the parade and so the candy was mostly gone by the time it got to us. Until the Lee's truck came they had plenty of candy and were dumping it as fast as they could.

Hannah, Isabella, Jackie, Kenzie, Julie, Boston, Carver, and Melissa

Kenzie, Hannah and Hailey in the back of Jackie's car. They had dumped out the sack of candy and were eating as fast as they could, until they got caught! You can see that not one of them cared that we said no more candy!

Boston was so good she sat in her stroller through the whole parade and never made a peep!
Um, HELLO Michelle, I didn't know you had a blog. It was fun to read up on you and your family. Your girls are adorable :)
Keep in touch, don't worry, I will probably check your blog often now that I know it exists!
I found your blog through Em's. Your girls are SO cute and getting SO big. It was fun to read about your family!
I get so jealous when I see you guys all hanging out! :) It was so fun to see pic's. Keep 'em coming.
How fun that you guys still hang out all the time. Somehow I always seem to think I should call my friends and never get around to it. Cute pictures.
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